top rated gym gloveAmazon Workout Glove Reviews are just as popular as any of the other millions of product reviews.  But what makes one workout gloves review different from another?  As you look to buy workout gloves online and as you browse the customer reviews look for specific key points that explain the specific workout they do upon which they drew their conclusion. Is weightlifting, Crossfit or another gym exercise mentioned?  Comments about shipping time, color, or packaging and virtually useless Amazon workout glove reviews because it’ they are not very useful to someone who actually spends time in a weightlifting room or gym.

What To Look For In The Best Amazon Workout Glove Reviews:

  • Descriptive and specific text indicating how that customer used their gym grips or gloves.  For example, “They reduced hand fatigue and I was able to do more pull ups,” would be very helpful.
  • Personal experiences such as “I have sweaty hands and I like GymPaws because traditional gloves make my hands sweat too much.”
  • Product comparison reviews are super helpful.  “I’ve tried the rubbery gripads and they just tear apart after a few uses, which is why I like that GymPaws are leather.”

Unfortunately a lot of exercise and fitness manufacturers employ a team of people to buy their various workout products, and in turn leave misleading reviews!  As the team of  Certified Personal Trainers who created the GymPaws® Brand and products,  we can easily spot the real Amazon workout glove reviews from the fakes.

GymPaws® Original Leather Workout Gloves have been one of the top rated exercise and fitness gloves on Amazon for years.  You can check out reviews yourself right here or get your pair right here on the website.  You can use your Amazon account at checkout or Paypal, or any major credit card.  Once your new GymPaws are delivered try them out a few times and let us know what you think!
Death Grips Amazon Reviews

Death Grip vs Natural Grips

Athletes refer to a death grip as an overly clenched grasp of the hand. The majority of people who are looking to buy workout gloves, hope to improve their performance at the gym.  It is a common misconception that hand protection will somehow improve your grip strength. When it comes to weight lifting or your workout, death grips can (and do) inhibit your performance this diminishing the effectiveness of your gym time.  You need to maintain a casual yet controlled grasp of a dumbbell, not a full strength death grip.  The same applies to holding a pull ups bar for example.  GymPaws Workout Gloves are made from genuine leather for this reason!  They allow for natural hand rotation.  Need more convincing? Just picture a gymnast workout on parallel bars!