Best Weightlifting Gloves
The best gloves for weightlifting aren’t even gloves! GymPaws are the top rated workout glove… and they’re not even gloves! There are lots of types of grips in weightlifting. Only one is made from genuine cowhide leather and that’s what makes Gym Paws the best weightlifting gloves! When it comes to mens weightlifting there are probably just as many options of gloves to choose from as there are exercises you might use them for. So what’s the difference between them all? Does it matter if you’re doing biceps curls, deadlifts, triceps pushdowns or shoulder presses?
Best Weightlifting Gloves
GymPaws are better described as grip pads for weightlifting verses gloves. They have a minimal amount of fabric and offer protection against calluses right where you need it… in the palm of your hands.
These leather weightlifting grip pads have a slightly padded leather front. Because leather is the most durable material for fitness accessories and apparel, they’re extremely versatile.
Fans of GymPaws call them crossfit gloves, workout gloves and lifting grips.
The cool 4 finger neoprene backing naturally wicks away sweat. Neoprene is the same material used in scuba gear for this reason. Think about the last bootcamp or crossfit class you took. If you were slammin through your #wod you probably ended up dripping in sweat. If you were wearing a full hand workout glove, all that sweat was streaming down into your hands. Not only does that feel gross, but it makes your hands and your grip slimy and sweaty.
The reason GymPaws® are voted the best weightlifting gloves is because you don’t get this sweaty buildup. You don’t lift or do pull ups with the back of your hands, so why would you need all that extra material of a full glove?
GymPaws Lifting Grips are a great alternative for women’s weight lifting gloves as well! They have a unisex design. The 4 Finger loops have natural elasticity to them, so larger fingers fit just as well as smaller fingers. The compact palm design is what really has made them a popular as women weight lifting gloves.